Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The number you say? Is it unusual...

So, I added all the blogs that I follow on a semi-regular basis (that is to say, about weekly) or better to Google Reader to give it a try to keep my time spent down a little bit.  This means that you all can see the blogs I read as a function of Blogger.  I thought maybe an explanation was in order.  If I have ever been in a group or ward or job with you, and I made an effort to get to know your name, I will likely start reading your blog.  I hope you don't think I am stalking you, I just like to keep in touch with people but am terrible at initiating the contact.  I need to get better at this, but for now, it is a great way to touch base, and to have something to say in the event that I should actually meet you.  I also have some blogs written by people I have never met.  These are mostly 100 Hour Board writers that came after me/were too secretive to come to Board Parties : ), or people/organizations that I find witty/funny/informative.  So, we'll see how this week goes on Google Reader.  As a question, how many blogs do YOU follow?  Any suggestions?