Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh yeah Gandalf?

Bummer, so I didn't pass my reentry*.  I had a whole post venting about the inadequacies of my partner and frustrations at the system.  While it was good to vent, it wasn't very constructive and not effective in changing anything, so I deleted it like one of those letters that you are supposed to write, seal in an envelope and then burn.  It did help to get it out, but now to move on.

The part I didn't pass has plagued me before.  When I was trying to get back into the local county EMS system they do their own little testing.  The Trauma Scenario is 20 minutes long, 10 of which are allotted for scene time in unstable patients.  You almost always get an unstable patient, usually unconscious.  You have those 10 minutes to manage life threats to Airway Breathing or Circulation (ABCs), do a rapid assessment for life threatening injuries, and get them immobilized on a backboard.  That's a lot to do for 2 EMTs, and I'm sure we both could have done better.  But anyways, it took me about 14 minutes to finish immobilizing the patient and be ready to say "We are in the ambulance."  

I can't start my clinicals until I get certified, and I can't recertify for another week.  Will that be in time?  Will I still be able to pass the classes coming in to the rotation 3 weeks in?  Man, this is not the best situation, but I'll get through it, move over Gandalf.

*Basically, a test that determines if I can recertify after I have expired.  It still requires that I have all the recertification credits (CEUs/CMEs) needed to renew before the expiration date, just if you are over the date they make you retest.  I got into this mess when some of my credits didn't qualify because they weren't submitted by my county training office, which doesn't believe in CEUs/CMEs.  Wonderful!